Where is this feature? | 1. | Log In | 2. | Cart Settings | 3. | Shipping Options | 4. | Customize Shipping/Billing Page |
Shipping/Billing Layout
This will allow you to request the shipping address separately from the billing address as well as to select the basic layout of how the address input fields are displayed.
Display Top To Bottom: This option will ask for the shipping address separately. It also displays the shipping address input fields below the billing address fields.
Display Side By Side: This option will ask for the shipping address separately. It will display the shipping address input fields to the right of the billing address fields.
Don't Display Shipping Fields: This option does not ask for the shipping address information. This will force the customer to ship their products to their billing address. It can also be used for merchants that do not have any product to ship and therefore do not need to request a shipping address. |